Tuesday 15 January 2008

A puzzle result from the sequening company

I have send some isolate for sequencing several days ago, and today I analyzed them, I found a Puzzle thing, it is very strange, and I think some guy make mistake.

the story is this, I insert my gene into the PGEM-T vector, which is a T-vector for cloning, and after confirming that my gene is inserted, I send the plasmid to the sequencing company. I send two isolates ,one is belong to Potato virus Y N strain and another belong to the Potato Virus Y O strain. The results came out very fast. And when I analysed them today, I found some interesting thing, I inserted about 2.5kb gene, so It couldn't sequenced completely in one reaction, so I ask them do the M13F, and M13R, from both direction. the interesting thing come out, I got the result PVYOM13F and PVYO13R nearly same, there are also no big difference between these two file. How to explain this result?

I think the only reason is that some guy make mistake, mostly like that take the wrong template for sequencing.

So, what could you learn from this ?? Could you believe the results from them ?? who know the guy haven't made such mistake, god knows!

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